still into you

tuhan je yang tahu apa aku rasa sekarang ni. ok honestly, yes i still like him. i admit it. but i just realised that im having a crush on my own friend. like what. seriously, it was a mistake. IT WAS A BIG MISTAKE. i should not like or fall in love with him. i was trying (and still trying) to move on. i want to throw this feeling far far far away and start all over again but i just cant. idk why. aku tak kesah if he doesnt like me back. sebab aku tau, perasaan bukan something yang boleh kau paksa. but really, im still into him and idk what to do sighhhhh

fikir sendiri ah

hello everbodeh! so, kalau ada yang perasan, haritu aku pakai blogskin en. tapi sekarang dah tukar balik template lama bcs idk how to use blogskin. rasa cam semak gila. haha! ada beberapa post yang aku dah delete for some reasons. & i've been thinking to create my new twitter account but rasa cam sayang gila kat account lama jd terhapus lah idea itu lol. aku nak create twitter account yang baru pun for some reasons. sokay, u guys no need to know what are the 'reasons' kan. haha! bye, ttyl x